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Spellbook Decks
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Average Deck Prices

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Total Average
Date Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Deck Price
November 2019 Regional - Lenexa Kansas Spellbooks Johnny Nguyen 23rd Place $0.00
September 2019 Regional - Lenexa Kansas Spellbooks Johnny Nguyen 9th Place $59.82
April 2019 Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Spellbooks Johnny Nguyen 33rd Place $67.26
June 2016 Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Spellbooks Michael Klasel 17th - 32nd Place $75.77
October 2014 YCS - Dallas Texas Spellbooks Michael Campos 17th - 32nd Place $92.87
September 2014 Regional - Omaha Nebraska Spellbooks Justin Nesbit 5th - 8th Place $70.18
September 2014 Regional - Montreal Canada Spellbooks Mario De Micco 5th - 8th Place $114.48
September 2014 YCS - Madrid Spain Spellbooks Callum Bilbe 17th - 32nd Place $67.02
August 2014 Regional - Mesa Arizona Spellbooks Brian Scott 5th - 8th Place $94.72
August 2014 ARGCS Atlantic City Spellbooks Jarred Randolph 1st 16th Place $123.13
August 2014 ARGCS Providence Spellbooks Jarred Randolph 1st 15th Place $0.00
July 2014 YGO State Championship South Dakota Spellbooks Patrick Trevett 3rd - 4th Place $0.00
July 2014 YGO State Championship New Hampshire Spellbooks Nicholas Holmes 5th - 8th Place $103.22
July 2014 YGO State Championship Michigan Spellbooks Travis Hilliard 3rd - 4th Place $103.22
July 2014 WCQ - North America Spellbooks Manav Dawar 17th - 32nd Place $102.59
June 2014 WCQ - Europe Spellbooks Niccolo Mazzoleni 3rd - 4th Place $0.00
June 2014 WCQ - Europe Spellbooks Floris Van Asch 33rd - 64th Place $67.42
June 2014 National Championship - Denmark Spellbooks Marius ??? 5th - 8th Place $116.78
June 2014 ARGCS Milwaukee Spellbooks Dalton Bousman 1st 14th Place $0.00
June 2014 ARGCS Milwaukee Spellbooks AJ Jones 1st 14th Place $0.00
June 2014 National Championship - Belgium Spellbooks Max van Nijverseel 3rd - 4th Place $128.39
June 2014 National Championship - Ecuador Spellbooks Paul Caceres 9th - 16th Place $82.35
May 2014 National Championship - United Kingdom Spellbooks Scott Ross 9th - 16th Place $109.12
April 2014 Regional - Des Moines Iowa Spellbooks Jared Giovelli 5th - 8th Place $0.00
April 2014 Regional - Little Rock Arkansas Spellbooks Tyler Ashlock 5th - 8th Place $91.54
April 2014 Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Spellbooks Alexander Chrisos 5th - 8th Place $122.47
March 2014 YCS - Chicago Illinois Spellbooks Jordan Stempel 17th - 32nd Place $102.34
March 2014 Regional - Lisbon Portugal Spellbooks Pedro Guerreiro 5th - 8th Place $63.91
March 2014 Regional - Fargo North Dakota Spellbooks James Dooley 5th - 8th Place $116.31
March 2014 YCS - Sao Paulo Brazil Spellbooks Cezar Victor Lopez Coscia 9th - 16th Place $78.19
February 2014 YCS - Atlanta Georgia Spellbooks Yicheng Li 5th - 8th Place $76.02
February 2014 YCS - Atlanta Georgia Spellbooks Adrian Sean Shakir 9th - 16th Place $109.14
February 2014 YCS - Atlanta Georgia Spellbook Stun Kevin Halligan 17th - 32nd Place $0.00
January 2014 YCS - Sydney Australia Spellbooks Adrian Climi 3rd - 4th Place $109.43
January 2014 YCS - Sydney Australia Spellbooks Gareth Murphy 5th - 8th Place $112.55
January 2014 YCS - Sydney Australia Spellbooks Joshua Duce 9th - 16th Place $110.16
January 2014 Regional - Ft. Worth Texas Spellbooks Justin Duren 5th - 8th Place $191.33
January 2014 ARGCS Nashville Prophecy Player: Carl Manigat 1st 11th Place $110.33
January 2014 Regional - Rio de Janeiro Brazil Spellbooks Mario Santanna 5th - 8th Place $71.29
January 2014 Regional - Dudley England Spellbooks Matthew Holt 5th - 8th Place $99.83
December 2013 Regional - Norcross Georgia Spellbooks Dawayland Cob 5th - 8th Place $88.02
December 2013 Regional - Mesa Arizona Spellbooks Jordan Sanchez 5th - 8th Place $96.56
December 2013 Regional - Lenexa Kansas Spellbooks Duelist Unknown 5th - 8th Place $166.07
December 2013 Regional - Crestwood Missourri Spellbooks Decavia Wilson 5th - 8th Place $66.59
November 2013 ARGCS Circuit - Boston Massachusetts Spellbooks Jarred Randolph 5th - 8th Place $128.18
November 2013 Regional - Fargo North Dakota Spellbooks Duelist Unknown 5th - 8th Place $129.36
October 2013 Regional - Montreal Canada Spellbooks Edward Charette 5th - 8th Place $67.22
October 2013 Regional - Mesa Arizona Spellbooks Jeremy Deutcmeister 5th - 8th Place $41.51
October 2013 Regional - W. Allis Wisconsin Spellbooks Darelle Lewis 5th - 8th Place $173.51
October 2013 Regional - Des Moines Iowa Spellbooks Jeff Pircher 5th - 8th Place $0.00
October 2013 YCS - San Mateo California No-Temperance Prophecy Michael Klasel 9th - 16th Place $64.97
September 2013 Regional - Reno Nevada Blue-Eyes Spellbooks John Hubbard 5th - 8th Place $0.00
September 2013 ARGCS Circuit Series - Ft. Worth Texas Spellbooks Dalton Bousman 5th - 8th Place $175.52
September 2013 ARGCS Circuit Series - Ft. Worth Texas Spellbooks Carlos Medrano 5th - 8th Place $130.03
September 2013 ARGCS Circuit Series - Ft. Worth Texas Spellbooks Brady Brink 9th - 16th Place $173.29
September 2013 ARGCS Circuit Series - Ft. Worth Texas Spellbooks Oscar Zelaya 9th - 16th Place $102.03
September 2013 Regional - Taylorsville Utah Spellbooks Cody Lester 5th - 8th Place $93.08
September 2013 Regional - Taylorsville Utah Spellbooks Austyn Ruoff 5th - 8th Place $94.04
September 2013 Regional - San Salvador El Salvador Blue-Eyes Spellbooks Duelist Unknown 5th - 8th Place $126.32
September 2013 Regional - Panama City Panama Spellbooks Duelist Unknown 5th - 8th Place $67.86
September 2013 Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Spellbooks Michael Steinman 5th - 8th Place $123.95
September 2013 Regional - Lenexa Kansas Spellbooks Vince LaRosa 5th - 8th Place $128.60
September 2013 Regional - Dartmouth Canada Spellbooks Scott ??? 5th - 8th Place $95.58
September 2013 ARGCS Online Open 1 Spellbooks Tedmund Uchigakiuchi 3rd - 4th Place $116.21
September 2013 YCS - Toronto Canada Spellbooks Loukas Peterson 5th - 8th Place $120.14
September 2013 YCS - Toronto Canada Spellbooks Frazier Smith 9th - 16th Place $95.40
September 2013 YCS - Toronto Canada Spellbooks Kareem O'Brien 17th - 32nd Place $111.05
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship Prophecy Luke Feeney 33rd - 64th Place $103.15
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship Prophecy Brandon Ball 33rd - 64th Place $66.16
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship No-Priestess Prophecy David Keener 2nd Place $0.00
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship Prophecy Norberto Leon 3rd - 4th Place $78.01
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship Mallet Reload Prophecy Ellis Maddalena 5th - 8th Place $128.09
July 2013 WCQ - North American Championship Prophecy Nicholas Ma 17th - 32nd Place $83.51
July 2013 WCQ - South American Championship Reload Mallet Prophecy Emiliano Passoni 5th - 8th Place $83.90
July 2013 WCQ - European Championship Prophecy Chris Bountaloudis 1st Place $0.00
June 2013 WCQ - Greece Nationals No-Priestess Prophecy ??? 1st Place $129.65
June 2013 WCQ - Oceanic Championship No Priestess Prophecy Kye Baker 2nd Place $129.70
June 2013 WCQ - Oceanic Championship Prophecy Justin Zapatero 5th - 8th Place $119.76
June 2013 WCQ - Oceanic Championship Prophecy Yaowei Zhang 5th - 8th Place $139.78
June 2013 WCQ - Finland Nationals Prophecy Olli-Pekka Koponen 3rd - 4th Place $125.44
June 2013 WCQ - Denmark Nationals Prophecy Ricki Madsen 2nd Place $115.88
June 2013 WCQ - Denmark Nationals Prophecy Kristoffer Nielsen 5th - 8th Place $129.26
June 2013 WCQ - Australia Nationals Prophecy Marcus Wheeler 1st Place $127.77
June 2013 WCQ - Italy Nationals Prophecy Denis Beqiri 3rd - 4th Place $69.53
June 2013 WCQ - Italy Nationals Prophecy Lorenzo Santoni 5th - 8th Place $130.05
June 2013 WCQ - Italy Nationals Prophecy Niccolo Mazzoleni 5th - 8th Place $0.00
June 2013 WCQ - Italy Nationals Prophecy Federico Zoppini 5th - 8th Place $93.40
June 2013 WCQ - Italy Nationals No Priestess Prophecy Andrea Zenari 2nd Place $0.00
June 2013 Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Prophecy Paul Wemhaner 5th - 8th Place $0.00
June 2013 Regional - Montreal Canada Prophecy ??? 5th - 8th Place $52.63
June 2013 Regional - Miami Florida Prophecy Steven Rodriguez 5th - 8th Place $66.55
June 2013 Regional - Lenexa Kansas Prophecy w/ Toon Table Johnny Nguyen 5th - 8th Place $82.20
June 2013 Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Prophecy Brandon Shively 5th - 8th Place $86.68
June 2013 Regional - Akron Ohio Prophecy Eddie North 5th - 8th Place $119.31
May 2013 YCS - Lille France Prophecy Antony Cadogan 17th - 32nd Place $108.76
March 2013 Regional - Buenos Aires Argentina Spellbooks 2013-3-10 Reg Emiliano Passoni 5th - 8th Place $0.00
March 2013 Regional - Toronto Canada Prophecy Tamer Eltohamy 5th - 8th Place $104.46
March 2013 2013 YCS Santiago Spellbooks Emiliano Passoni 5th - 8th Place $117.27
February 2013 Mesa Arizona Regional Qualifier Priestess Prophecy Corey Encinas 5th - 8th Place $0.00