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June 2016
Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
YCS - Origins Fire King Kozmos Mike Shaw 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $107.46
WCQ - South America Draco Performapals Andre Suaza 17th - 32nd Place Performapal $78.00
WCQ - South America Burning Phantom Knights Alejandro Prieto 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $81.27
WCQ - South America Burning Phantom Knights Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $83.07
WCQ - Central America Demise Kozmos Angel Flores 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $96.89
WCQ - Central America Tzolkin Monarchs Rishi Nishant Doodhnath Tripathi 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $112.05
WCQ - South America Majespecter Draco Performapals Joaquin Rinaldi Petroni 1st Place Performapal $93.44
WCQ - South America Fire King Kozmos Carlos Eduardo Lopez Rangel 2nd Place Kozmo $116.95
WCQ - Oceanic Burning Phantom Knights Bohdan Temnyk 2nd Place Burning Abyss $80.36
WCQ - Central America Brilliant Monarchs Brandon Ossiel Aguilar Gonzalez 1st Place Monarch $86.09
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Pendulum Magicians Noah Bsiso Top 8 Magician $90.30
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Dark Draco Pals Chase Farman Top 8 Performapal $75.19
YCS - Origins Burning Phantom Knights Alexander Juneja Top 8 Burning Abyss $81.05
YCS - Origins Burning Phantom Knights Jacob Phinney 1st Place Burning Abyss $52.60
YCS - Origins Demise Kozmos Aaron Furman 2nd Place Kozmo $65.89
YCS - Origins Draco Performapals Clifton Land 3rd - 4th Place Performapal $87.84
YCS - Origins Draco Performapals Louis Poma 9th - 16th Place Performapal $86.47
YCS - Origins Burning Abyss Monarchs Darren Stephenson 9th - 16th Place Burning Abyss $96.36
YCS - Origins Extra Deck Monarchs Collin Reardon 9th - 16th Place Monarch $105.52
YCS - Origins Draco Performapals Scott Page 9th - 16th Place Performapal $88.23
YCS - Origins Demise Kozmos Yifei Yang 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $112.86
YCS - Origins Demise Majespecters Cordero Spencer 17th - 32nd Place Majespecter $57.45
YCS - Origins Tzolkin Monarchs Andrew Pham 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $114.79
YCS - Origins Extra Deck Monarchs David Edwards 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $113.91
YCS - Origins Extra Deck Monarchs Ryan Levine 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $109.29
YCS - Columbus Ohio Burning Abyss Sean Munn Top 16 Burning Abyss $90.81
Bulgarian WCQ National Raidraptors Unknown Competitor 1st Place Raidraptor $76.78
YCS - Columbus Ohio PK Fire Jake Phinney 1st Place Burning Abyss $52.74
State Championship - Wyoming Tzolkin Monarchs Cody Muniz 1st Place Monarch $126.38
State Championship - Wyoming Draco Performapals Ulysses Estrada 2nd Place Performapal $89.58
State Championship - Wyoming Domain Monarchs Terrance Lovato 3rd - 4th Place Monarch $74.26
State Championship - Wyoming Tzolkin Monarchs Austyn Ruoff 3rd - 4th Place Monarch $124.31
State Championship - Wisconsin Satellarknights Michael Richard Lee 1st Place Satellarknight $96.90
State Championship - Wisconsin Fire King Kozmos Mason Mattila 2nd Place Kozmo $93.93
State Championship - Wisconsin Fire King Kozmos Tyler Pinnow 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $87.22
State Championship - Wisconsin Tzolkin Monarchs Anthony Anderson 3rd - 4th Place Monarch $97.69
State Championship - West Virginia Draco Majespecter Pals Zachary Hietata 1st Place Majespecter $100.54
State Championship - West Virginia Draco Performapals Shawn Szonyi 2nd Place Performapal $90.04
State Championship - West Virginia Lightsworn Phantom Knights Nathan Zy-Ling Hsueh 3rd - 4th Place Phantom Knight $49.59
State Championship - West Virginia Super Quantums Logan George 3rd - 4th Place Super $43.08
State Championship - North Carolina Kozmos Marcus Adkins 1st Place Kozmo $131.73
State Championship - North Carolina Tzolkin Monarchs Andre Brown 2nd Place Monarch $108.63
State Championship - North Carolina Kozmos Glen Sandiford 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $121.75
State Championship - North Carolina Zefra Yang Zings Brandon Willis 3rd - 4th Place Yang Zing $87.92
State Championship - New Hampshire Kozmos Patrick O?Mara 1st Place Kozmo $57.90
State Championship - New Hampshire Majespecters Joshua James Yerakes 2nd Place Majespecter $126.80
State Championship - New Hampshire Speedroid Burning Abyss Liam Duncan 3rd - 4th Place Burning Abyss $87.04
State Championship - New Hampshire Draco Performapals Timothy Velastegui 3rd - 4th Place Performapal $75.83
State Championship - Mississippi Draco Performapals Aron Barton? 1st Place Performapal $91.69
State Championship - Mississippi Domain Monarchs David Thigpen 2nd Place Monarch $106.28
State Championship - Mississippi Dark Draco Pals Jonathan Ball 3rd - 4th Place Performapal $33.49
State Championship - Mississippi Fire King Kozmos Austin Scruggs 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $81.71
State Championship - Kentucky Domain Monarchs David Andrew Sims 1st Place Monarch $75.27
State Championship - Kentucky Kozmos Austin Warner 2nd Place Kozmo $86.98
State Championship - Kentucky Deskbots William Warren 3rd - 4th Place Deskbot $68.31
State Championship - Kentucky Dark Draco Pals Gregory Nicholas Allen Anderson 3rd - 4th Place Performapal $40.17
State Championship - Kansas Domain Monarchs Daniel Gurwell 1st Place Monarch $42.49
State Championship - Kansas Kaiju Burning Abyss Dylan Herrig 2nd Place Kaiju $85.37
State Championship - Kansas Kozmos Hunter Giffin 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $114.04
State Championship - Kansas Mermails John Franklin Weiss 3rd - 4th Place Mermail $120.64
State Championship - Indiana Qliphorts Darren Shoemaker 1st Place Qliphort $52.28
State Championship - Indiana Tzolkin Monarchs Casey Durbin 2nd Place Monarch $104.12
State Championship - Indiana Kozmos Dylan Snyers 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $89.02
State Championship - Indiana Artifact Kozmos Austin Brown 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $106.53
State Championship - Illinois Kozmos Chandler Allen 1st Place Kozmo $112.20
State Championship - Illinois Draco Performapals Ranon Nze Ramos 2nd Place Performapal $37.39
State Championship - Illinois Demise Kozmos Don Welker 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $95.16
State Championship - Illinois Chain Strike Burn Ben Lodise 3rd - 4th Place Chain Burn $32.21
Regional - Philadelphia Pendulum Magicians Steven McMearty 1st Place Magician $100.49
Regional - Louisville Kentucky Brilliant Monarchs Casey Hardesty Top 8 Monarch $79.55
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Burning Phantom Knights Anthony White Top 8 Burning Abyss $82.29
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Fire King Kozmos Michael Jaffer Top 8 Kozmo $88.28
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Infernoids Kyle Colon Top 8 Infernoid $111.77
locals Heros Aden 4th Place HERO $51.20
crystron invasion crystron invasion Shun 17th - 32nd Place Crystron $23.87
WCQ - Oceanic Championship Xyz Monarchs Jackson Casanova Top 16 Monarch $110.23
WCQ - Oceanic Burning Abyss Bodan Temnyk 2nd Place Burning Abyss $80.17
State Championship - Kansas USA Burning Abyss (No Traps) Dylan Herrig 2nd Place Burning Abyss $84.25
Nationals France Domain Monarchs Anthony Schroetter Top 8 Monarch $44.60
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Burning Phantom Knights Gabriel Spaulding Top 8 Burning Abyss $66.62
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Brilliant Monarchs Ramiro Garcia Top 8 Monarch $104.22
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Yosenju Paul Wemhaner Top 8 Yosenju $63.25
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Draco Performapals Jake Zavala Top 8 Performapal $75.79
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Burning Phantom Knights D.J. Davis Top 8 Burning Abyss $82.07
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Dark Draco Performapals Tristan Gallego Top 8 Performapal $81.03
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Burning Phantom Knights Michael Cazeau Top 8 Burning Abyss $78.17
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma PSY-Frames Shelby Redmon 9th - 16th Place PSY-Frame $136.06
Regional - Tulsa Oklahoma Spellbooks Michael Klasel 17th - 32nd Place Spellbook $63.34
Regional - Los Angeles California Infernoids Andrew Do Top 8 Infernoid $77.71
Regional - Henderson Nevada Demise Kozmos Michael Guillen Top 8 Kozmo $116.02
Regional - Henderson Nevada Kozmos Masashi Terayama Top 8 Kozmo $102.29
Regional - Henderson Nevada Extra Deck Monarchs Matt Gibson Top 8 Monarch $103.16
Regional - Henderson Nevada Domain Monarchs Dillon Cohen Top 8 Monarch $87.26
Regional - Fredericksburg Virginia Draco Performapals Duelist Unknown Top 8 Performapal $65.80
Regional - Fredericksburg Virginia Draco Performapals Dan Cunningham Top 8 Performapal $79.55
Regional - Altoona Iowa PSY-Frames Guanfa Huang Top 8 PSY-Frame $157.39
Regional - Altoona Iowa Burning Phantom Knights Duelist Unknown Top 8 Burning Abyss $81.19
National Championship - Italy Extra Deck Monarchs Valerio Bellu 33rd - 64th Place Monarch $170.86
UDS Qualifier - Jonville Santa Catarina Domain Monarchs Luis Ricardo Labres Rohde Top 8 Monarch $44.29
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Traptrix Draco Pals Reinaldo Lainez 9th - 16th Place Performapal $56.24
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Fire King Kozmos Malik Dancy 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $77.24
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Extra Deck Monarchs Omar Daoudi 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $109.92
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Fire King Kozmos Samuel Chung 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $91.78
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Kaiju Burning Phantom Knights Nicholas Sundstrom 17th - 32nd Place Kaiju $85.03
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Qliphorts Jesse Barber 9th - 16th Place Qliphort $73.09
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Domain Monarchs Angel Serrano 9th - 16th Place Monarch $96.19
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Kozmos Frazier Smith 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $111.46
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Kozmos Alex Buell 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $98.43
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Draco Performapals Jason Zimmerman 17th - 32nd Place Performapal $72.57
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Fire King Kozmos Joe Bogli 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $99.81
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Kozmos Sean Martinov 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $96.35
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Draco Performapals Charlie Kip 17th - 32nd Place Performapal $95.26
YCS - Providence Rhode Island Fire King Kozmos Will Nieves 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $93.57
2016 YCS Providence Mecha Phantom Karakuri Speedroids Vahgrant 80th Place Karakuri $88.37