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Regional - Mesa Arizona
October 2019
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Gren Maju Control Ric Kindle Top 16 Gren Maju $73.90
September 2017
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Windwitch Spellbook Invoked Draco Creighton Hardy Top 32 Invoked Windwitch $103.83
September 2015
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Nekroz Daniel Lee Top 8 Nekroz $51.31
Qliphorts Ryan Murakami Top 8 Qliphort $106.19
Performage Shaddolls Ed Acepcion Top 8 Shaddoll $42.37
August 2014
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Satellarknight Artifacts Jarred Judd 5th - 8th Place Satellarknight $78.70
Spellbooks Brian Scott 5th - 8th Place Spellbook $98.23
Shaddolls Zak Aossey 5th - 8th Place Shaddoll $82.74
May 2014
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Harpies James Rodriguez 5th - 8th Place Harpie $105.74
Pure Geargia Daniel Murdock 5th - 8th Place Geargia $72.04
Fire Kings Alan Cook 5th - 8th Place Fire King $71.18
Fire Fists w/ Hands Zak Aossey 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $94.57
Evilswarm Elijah Shipman 5th - 8th Place Evilswarm $91.85
Mermails Abrahim Selim 5th - 8th Place Mermail $139.14
December 2013
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Spellbooks Jordan Sanchez 5th - 8th Place Spellbook $94.40
Mermails Abrahim Selim 5th - 8th Place Mermail $146.61
October 2013
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Harpies James Rodriguez 5th - 8th Place Harpie $92.54
Spellbooks Jeremy Deutcmeister 5th - 8th Place Spellbook $41.22
Mermails Jonathan S (?) 5th - 8th Place Mermail $179.58
June 2013
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Dragon Rulers Andrew Ocheltree 5th - 8th Place Dragon $152.09