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May 2013
Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
National Championship - France Dragon Ruler Alain Ly 1st Place Dragon $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Andrew Fredella 3rd - 4th Place Mermail $158.55
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Synchro Infernities Patrick Hoban 17th - 32nd Place Synchro $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Simon He 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $152.56
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails James Guerrero 2nd Place Mermail $160.65
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Fire Fist Rabbit Galo Guillermo Orbea Davila 3rd - 4th Place Fire Fist $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Marcus Hale 5th - 8th Place Mermail $173.54
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Dino Fist Sean Montague 9th - 16th Place Fire Fist $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey A Hero Lives OTK David Nguyen 9th - 16th Place Elemental $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Ali Yassine 9th - 16th Place Mermail $170.93
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Inzektors Jeremy MacWan 9th - 16th Place Inzektor $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Dino Fist Kris Perovic 17th - 32nd Place Dino Fist $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Evilswarm Donel Jao 17th - 32nd Place Evilswarm $67.46
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Infernities Karim Ahamjik 17th - 32nd Place Infernity $74.42
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Tin Gadgets Angelo Mendoza 17th - 32nd Place Gadget $81.55
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Matt Bishop 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $170.27
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Thomas Balaban 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $171.72
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Paul Levitin 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $177.49
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Jeffrey Strain 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $177.89
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Constellars Victor Santana 33rd - 64th Place Constellar $80.52
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Atlantean Mermails Tyree Tinsley 1st Place Mermail $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Fire Fist Rabbit w/ FF Dragon Willian Fernandes 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Infernities Satoshi Kato 9th - 16th Place Infernity $75.66
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Wind-Up Justin Diaz 9th - 16th Place Wind-Up $82.32
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Evilswarm George Weber 17th - 32nd Place Evilswarm $70.69
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Tin Machina Gadgets James Quick 17th - 32nd Place Machina $0.00
YCS - Meadowlands New Jersey Chain Beat Wilson Tsang 33rd - 64th Place Chain Beat $66.50
Regional - Kissimmee Florida Fire Fist Rabbit ??? 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $110.53
Regional - Butler Pennsylvania Constellars w/ Fire Fists Vince Campana 9th - 16th Place Constellar $62.91
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Mixed Mermails David Everett 1st Place Mermail $175.49
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Machina Gadgets Elijah Gersten 2nd Place Gadget $98.72
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Dino Fist Josh Furlong 3rd - 4th Place Fire Fist $48.73
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Mixed Mermails Timothy Beauvais 3rd - 4th Place Mermail $170.31
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Atlantean Mermails Chris Hanson 5th - 8th Place Mermail $184.02
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Fire Fist Rabbit Andrew Bergen 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $107.72
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Machina Geargia Matthew Wright 5th - 8th Place Machina $90.88
YGOverdose Constructed 7 Fire Fist Rabbit Kenny Wry 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $135.63
YCS - Lille France Atlantean Mermails Paolo Pacchiana 2nd Place Mermail $0.00
YCS - Lille France Prophecy Mercel Leucker 5th - 8th Place Prophecy $110.95
YCS - Lille France Atlantean Mermails Simon He 5th - 8th Place Mermail $155.71
YCS - Lille France Atlantean Mermails Miha Flisek 9th - 16th Place Mermail $187.79
YCS - Lille France Prophecy Antony Cadogan 17th - 32nd Place Spellbook $108.76
YCS - Lille France Genex Mermails Michael Schallenberg 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $144.29
Regional - Kissimmee Florida Inzektors Shaheen Harara 5th - 8th Place Inzektor $104.06
Regional - Kissimmee Florida Fire Fist Rabbit Tyler ??? 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $109.68
Regional - Kissimmee Florida Hunders Patrick Metayer 5th - 8th Place Hunder $0.00
Regional - Kissimmee Florida Lightsworn Gem-Knights Ricky Hernandez 17th - 32nd Place Lightsworn $0.00
Regional - Butler Pennsylvania Fire Fist Rabbit Max ??? 5th - 8th Place Fire Fist $137.28
Regional - Butler Pennsylvania Genex Mermails Adam C. 5th - 8th Place Mermail $170.29