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November 2015
Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Regional - Pearl Mississippi Brilliant Performage Pendulums Koty Angeloff Top 8 Performage $31.21
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Kozmos Jacob Hernandez Top 8 Kozmo $87.47
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Kozmos Guanfa Huang Top 8 Kozmo $67.46
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Kozmos Chan Vang Top 8 Kozmo $109.40
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Kozmos Charles Shoop Top 8 Kozmo $54.26
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Chaos Dragons Patrick James Top 8 Performage $77.58
Regional - Portland Maine Madolche Performage Pendulums Spencer Pierce Top 8 Performage $75.50
Regional - Pearl Mississippi Kozmos Anthony Vo Top 8 Kozmo $102.46
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Brilliant Performage Pendulums Fletcher Thomas Top 8 Performage $62.12
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Kozmos Tien Bui Top 8 Kozmo $90.69
Regional - Maplewood Minnesota Performage Pendulums Dylan Tischer Top 8 Performage $77.03
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Brilliant Performage Pendulums Blair Hunter Top 8 Performage $62.37
Regional - Charlotte North Carolina Brilliant Performage Pendulums Tyree Tinsley Top 8 Performage $63.05
Regional - Winnipeg Canada Kozmos Duelist Unknown Top 8 Kozmo $91.57
Regional - Winnipeg Canada Pure Majespecters Duelist Unknown Top 8 Majespecter $107.39
Regional - Winnipeg Canada Performage Majespecters Duelist Unknown Top 8 Majespecter $40.00
Regional - Winnipeg Canada Kozmos Duelist Unknown Top 8 Kozmo $69.63
Regional - Winnipeg Canada Performage Pendulums Duelist Unknown Top 8 Performage $33.53
Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Infernoids David Huss Top 8 Infernoid $86.14
Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Brilliant Madolches Doug Zeeff Top 8 Madolche $97.96
Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Performage Pendulums Tyler Matthews Top 8 Performage $69.66
Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Infernoids Tairone Stutson Top 8 Infernoid $73.93
Regional - Darthmouth Canada Tellarknights Sandor Cselenyi Top 8 Satellarknight $106.07
Regional - Bristol England Kozmos Danny Bate Top 8 Kozmo $103.34
Regional - Bristol England Performage Pendulums Alex Smith Top 8 Performage $62.13
YCS - San Jose Performage Nekroz Anthony Iem 17th - 32nd Place Nekroz $87.65
YCS - San Jose Performage Nekroz Mario Ramos 17th - 32nd Place Nekroz $87.65
YCS - San Jose Performage Majespecters Brandon Wong Top 8 Majespecter $105.01
YCS - San Jose Performage Shaddolls Justin Delhon Top 8 Shaddoll $72.91
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Jessy Samek 1st Place Kozmo $73.18
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Sebastian Crawford 2nd Place Kozmo $106.89
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Ryan Murakami 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $112.55
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Austyn Ruoff 3rd - 4th Place Kozmo $105.04
YCS - San Jose Kozmos w/ Offerings to the Doomed Adan Salas 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $103.97
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Kyle Kemper 9th - 16th Place Kozmo $60.61
YCS - San Jose Pure Majespecters Irvin Tostado 17th - 32nd Place Majespecter $84.05
YCS - San Jose Pure Majespecters Zhenning Guo 17th - 32nd Place Majespecter $97.30
YCS - San Jose Burning Abyss Alyxander Lisgathe 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $39.45
YCS - San Jose Kozmos w/ DDV Angel Ascencio 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $69.85
YCS - San Jose Speedroid Nekroz Lexus Wingate 17th - 32nd Place Nekroz $74.80
YCS - San Jose Kozmos Christian Sagabaen 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $100.52
Regional - Lubbock Texas Deskbots Michael Vutam Top 8 Deskbot $68.65
Regional - Lenexa Kansas Qliphorts Stephanie Bell Top 8 Qliphort $73.28
Regional - Lenexa Kansas Performage Majespecters Niko Smith Top 8 Majespecter $68.10
Regional - Brooklyn New York Royal Magical Majespecters Danny McDonald Top 8 Majespecter $93.22
Regional - Brooklyn New York Performage Majespecters Joe Bogli Top 8 Majespecter $92.58
Regional - Bristol England Zefra Yang Zings James Jones 1st Place Yang Zing $88.48
YCS - San Jose Burning Abyss Norberto Leon Top 16 Burning Abyss $39.48
Regional - Springfield Illinois Performage Tellarknights Malik Jones Top 8 Satellarknight $95.94
Regional - Philadelphia Pennsylvania Burning Abyss Duelist Unknown Top 8 Burning Abyss $82.40
Regional - Philadelphia Pennsylvania Tellarknights w/ Uria Brandon Shetzline Top 8 Satellarknight $111.91
Regional - Louisville Kentucky Kozmos Marco Guzman Top 8 Kozmo $92.98
Regional - Garden City Michigan Nekroz Marjanco Gorgievski Top 8 Nekroz $50.44
Regional - Garden City Michigan Nekroz Ricky Lee Top 8 Nekroz $67.47
Regional - Garden City Michigan Burning Abyss Chase Cunningham Top 8 Burning Abyss $40.15
Regional - Garden City Michigan Madolches Orion Miller Top 8 Madolche $111.67
Regional - Garden City Michigan Infernoids Josh Stys Top 8 Infernoid $65.15
Regional - Garden City Michigan Burning Abyss Alex Delgado Top 8 Burning Abyss $68.12
Regional - Garden City Michigan Traptrix Kozmos Rob Cedar Top 8 Kozmo $100.86
Regional - Garden City Michigan Zefra Yang Zings Kevin Beers Top 8 Yang Zing $62.05