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November 2012
Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
2012 YCS Seattle Dino Rabbit Desmond Boyd 17th - 32nd Place Dino Rabbit $73.26
2012 YCS Seattle Agents Rob Baca 17th - 32nd Place Agent $97.19
2012 YCS Seattle Mermails Michael Klasel 5th - 8th Place Mermail $141.77
2012 YCS Seattle Agents Julian Wong 5th - 8th Place Agent $100.61
2012 YCS Seattle Dino Rabbit Alfredo Cardona 9th - 16th Place Dino Rabbit $67.00
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups Wilson Tsang 9th - 16th Place Wind-Up $68.71
2012 YCS Seattle Dark World Kevin Hubbard 9th - 16th Place Dark World $42.49
2012 YCS Seattle Mermails Chancy Wigglestove 9th - 16th Place Mermail $147.51
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups Cody Muniz 9th - 16th Place Wind-Up $112.04
2012 YCS Seattle Chaos Dragons Justin Delhon 17th - 32nd Place Lightsworn $108.55
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups Matt Bishop 17th - 32nd Place Wind-Up $114.99
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups Sergio Andres Rodriguez 17th - 32nd Place Wind-Up $110.98
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups Lukaz Prinz 17th - 32nd Place Wind-Up $105.66
2012 YCS Seattle Agents Timothy Williams 17th - 32nd Place Agent $116.86
2012 YCS Seattle Watt Chain Burn Chris Mastenbrook 17th - 32nd Place Chain Burn $27.07
2012 YCS Seattle Monster Mashy Agents Robert Strohl 17th - 32nd Place Agent $117.04
2012 YCS Seattle Dino Rabbit_ Joseph Giorlando 17th - 32nd Place Dino Rabbit $88.18
2012 YCS Seattle Mermails Trenton Wright 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $165.27
2012 YCS Seattle Mermails Norberto Leon 2nd Place Mermail $158.24
2012 YCS Seattle Wind-Ups_ Adrian Sean Shakir 3rd - 4th Place Wind-Up $114.53
2012 YCS Seattle Mermails Sorosh Saberian 3rd - 4th Place Mermail $99.11
2012 YCS Seattle Agents_ Simon He 5th - 8th Place Agent $98.43
2012 YCS Seattle Mermail Jerry Williams 9th - 16th Place Mermail $156.87
2012 YCS Seattle Agents Adam Belohradsky 9th - 16th Place Agent $115.46
2012 YCS Seattle Mermail Kyle Palsson 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $136.74
2012 YCS Seattle Dino Rabbit Manav Dawar 17th - 32nd Place Dino Rabbit $102.42
2012 YCS Seattle Inzektors Michael Stibbins 1st Place Inzektor $74.61
2012 YCS Providence Wind-Ups Mike Albanese 17th - 32nd Place Wind-Up $108.49