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YCS - Liverpool England
November 2016
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
ABC-Dragon Buster Aurelien Bleriot 9th - 16th Place ABC-Dragon Buster $38.88
ABC-Dragon Buster Aurelien Bleriot 9th - 16th Place ABC-Dragon Buster $37.78
Majespecter Metalfoes Emiliyan Spasov 9th - 16th Place Metalfoe $84.81
Majespecter Metalfoes Emiliyan Spasov 9th - 16th Place Metalfoe $82.50
Majespecter Metalfoes Viktor Kieu 9th - 16th Place Metalfoe $80.13
ABC-Dragon Buster Malte Kroger 9th - 16th Place ABC-Dragon Buster $69.40
ABC-Dragon Buster Malte Kroger 9th - 16th Place ABC-Dragon Buster $69.10
Majespecter Metalfoes Viktor Kieu 9th - 16th Place Metalfoe $81.23
Galaxy ABC-Dragon Buster Kenny De Detter 17th - 32nd Place ABC-Dragon Buster $68.82
ABC-Dragon Buster Dave Grabert 17th - 32nd Place ABC-Dragon Buster $61.77
Galaxy ABC-Dragon Buster Kenny De Detter 17th - 32nd Place ABC-Dragon Buster $69.98
Atlantean Mermails Callum Hinchcliffe 17th - 32nd Place Mermail $97.43
ABC-Dragon Buster Dave Grabert 17th - 32nd Place ABC-Dragon Buster $61.17
October 2016
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Galaxy ABC-Dragon Buster Jake Quinsee Top 8 ABC-Dragon Buster $44.37
Burning Phantom Knights Ben Sherman Top 8 Burning Abyss $72.12
ABC-Dragon Buster Jan Hausmann Top 8 ABC-Dragon Buster $61.82
ABC-Dragon Buster Barberi Marcello Top 8 ABC-Dragon Buster $60.19
Burning Phantom Knights Thomas Rose 1st Place Burning Abyss $67.52
Zombie Lightsworn Tom V. 2nd Place Zombie $63.22
Artifact ABC-Dragon Buster Niccolo Mazzoleni 3rd - 4th Place ABC-Dragon Buster $68.27
Atlantean Mermails Alexander Hultzsch 9th - 16th Place Mermail $94.84
Galaxy Lightsworn Chris Morrell 9th - 16th Place Lightsworn $42.24
ABC-Dragon Buster Oliver Newtown 17th - 32nd Place ABC-Dragon Buster $66.45
Dark Synchro Harris Mungo 17th - 32nd Place Synchro $71.92
Star Seraph Rituals Joe Hills 17th - 32nd Place Ritual $73.81
Zombie Lightsworn Alpay Engin 17th - 32nd Place Zombie $79.30
Kaiju Burning Phantom Knights Duelist Unknown 17th - 32nd Place Kaiju $76.37
Majespecter Pendulum Magicians Finn Bakewell 17th - 32nd Place Magician $80.71
PK Fire Hassan El Ghalbzouri 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $71.74
Different Dimension Demons Anthony Allsopp 38th Place Different Dimension Demon $71.28