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ARGCS 25K - Oaks Pennsylvania
August 2016
Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price
Burning Phantom Knights Jake Phinney 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $32.89
Burning Phantom Knights Jonathan Roche 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $83.74
Demise Kozmos Jarred Randolph 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $66.71
Fire King Kozmos Blair Hunter 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $102.63
Burning Tzolkin Monarchs Ben Wyman 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $44.81
Burning Abyss Monarchs Christopher Ferrara 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $87.91
Fire King Kozmos Devon Peters 17th - 32nd Place Kozmo $113.11
Burning Abyss Timothy Bailey 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $88.38
Burning Abyss Larry Musgrove 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $81.29
Burning Phantom Knights Tommy Rowe 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $35.36
Burning Phantom Knights Christian Mahoney 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $43.96
Burning Phantom Knights Michael Sanders 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $61.07
Burning Phantom Knights Michael Campos 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $58.33
Burning Phantom Knights Justin Singh 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $68.35
Burning Abyss Monarchs Michael Albanese 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $88.12
Domain Monarchs Ed Acepcion 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $45.30
Extra Deck Monarchs Dexter Townsell Jr. 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $93.52
Domain Monarchs Stephen Silverman 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $76.71
Extra Deck Monarchs R.F. Hunter 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $96.18
Extra Deck Monarchs Ben Leverett 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $81.47
Extra Deck Monarchs Nicky Reardon 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $94.31
Extra Deck Monarchs Chris Leblanc 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $77.23
Extra Deck Monarchs Lex Wingate 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $108.29
Extra Deck Monarchs Desmond Johnson 17th - 32nd Place Monarch $80.19
Blue-Eyes Julian Lipoff 17th - 32nd Place Blue-Eyes $105.43
Pendulum Magicians Darren Villanueva 17th - 32nd Place Magician $46.15
Burning Phantom Knights Jonathan Nagel 17th - 32nd Place Burning Abyss $36.82
Majespecter Pendulum Magicians Johnny Li 17th - 32nd Place Magician $73.23
Star Seraph Draco Pals Cody Bodnar 17th - 32nd Place Ritual $67.32
Majespecter Pendulum Magicians Matt Cairoli 17th - 32nd Place Magician $49.35
Majespecter Pendulum Magicians Steven McMearty 17th - 32nd Place Magician $54.35
Pendulum Magicians Omar Bsiso 17th - 32nd Place Magician $75.81